All of you will have received an e-mail about Cold Heat Productions being online.  Here’s what the deal is:


Jason Schilling initiated the creation of a CBS Sportsline account to put the Cold Heat Productions fantasy football league there.  I finished up the process on Sept. 22, and it is now ready to roll.  You must respond to the invite to be allowed into the CHPFFL section.  If you do not currently have an account there, you will need to create one.


You do not need to join this in order to participate in the league.  This does not replace the way things are going to be run.  This is an additional benefit for everyone.


What are the benefits?  Well, if you put in your lineup at this site, it will score out your team as the games are being played on Sunday.  No more waiting for results!  This will also help me out, because once I verify that the scoring is working correctly, I can just copy the results to my site and be done with it.  In addition,  CBS Sportsline will send you updates on players if you want them to.


One problem:  It only allows you to play one defense.  I have chosen the Turnover Defense to be scored.  All the offense and special teams scoring should be cool, and the Turnover Defense will be scored, but you will need to realize that the Sack and Scoring defenses will not be scored at CBS.


If you have any questions about the site, contact Jason or me and we’ll help you out.  It’s pretty cool. 


However,  continue to submit your lineups to me in the usual ways.  I will not consider the CBS lineup to be official.  I will take care of maintaining rosters at the site, but I don’t mind if you do it for your teams, either, if you want.


Enjoy!  I have provided a link on the home page (at the bottom) for direct access to CBS Sportsline.